Task #35 – Revisiting eContent & Wireless Printing

Using your iPad, please have the following tasks completed by your next staff meeting.

  1. Use the OverDrive app to borrow and download a title.
  2. Use the Hoopla app to borrow and download a title.
  3. Use the Zinio for Library app to checkout and download a magazine.
  4. Using 1 of 3 methods, print something wirelessly.

Task #34- Windows 10 is here!

By next week both Info computers in YS and Public Services will be running Windows 10 and the public computers will quickly follow. That means that we’ll all need to know how to use this operating system.

Watch this tutorial on Windows 10. It is 37 minutes long but really covers the changes in this operating system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZqKyhfD7-E.

  • Identify 4 things that you’ve learned about Windows 10 or that have changed from Windows 7.

Microsoft Office 2016 will also be on the new computers. Here is a link to the Office Training Centre https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Office-Training-Center-b8f02f81-ec85-4493-a39b-4c48e6bc4bfb, it looks quite similar to our current version of Office so you may be able to figure it out without the tutorials. This is optional but helpful if you’re stuck.

Task #33 – Search Our Website

Up until now, we’ve not been able to search for content published on our website. Program details, service interruptions and contact information were found only if you knew where to look. Now you can search for this content using the search feature.

  1. On our homepage, using the default search limit & search field, enter the terms ‘holiday hours’ in the search bar. Which result takes you to our webpage describing the library’s upcoming holiday closure?
  2. What is the name of the format that directed you to this page? (hint: look in the facet list)
  3. From our homepage, what search limit or field would you select to narrow your results exclusively to our website?
  4. Discuss how the results are affected when applying the different search limiters, i.e. Search this website, Search the catalogue, digital archives & Owen Sound eResources?

Task # 32 – Online Resources

Did you know that at the beginning of the year, the online resources the library offers on our website underwent a big change?  The following tasks will help you re-acquaint yourself with what is available for our patrons.

  1. How many categories of information are there?  Name 4 resources.
  1. Snapchat is a private social messaging tool that my kids use, where can I learn more about it?  What else can I learn about using this resource?
  1. What other tech resources are available?
  1. Name 3 languages you can learn on Mango Languages.  How many languages are available on Mango?
  1. There are 2 different genealogy & local history resources, how are they different?

Email your answers to your manager, and post a comment about one of the resources you have used and what you like about it.

Task # 31 – Printing From Facebook & Email

Printing from various social media platforms and email inboxes can be tricky; especially if you’re not a regular user of that service. Give these tasks a try. Don’t forget to review the post titled ‘Where to go for help…’ if you’re stuck.

  1. From a public computer, print a colour picture from the Library’s Facebook page. Give the printout to your Manager with your name on it.
  2. Many email providers have ‘preview’ functions for images or documents attached in the message. Our public computers cannot always print from these previews. Email your manager explaining one way you would print these images or documents.

Task # 30 – RFID… Again!

Continuing with the momentum after the Staff Olympics, we’re trying to keep some of the scenarios fresh in your minds.  There have been lots of emails sent out about these different situations and if you can’t find them please look in Q:\IT Help\Bibliotheca RFID for tips and tricks and training videos.  Email the answers to your manager, along with a selfie checking an item out at a self-checkout station (smile!).

  1. Toy kits cannot be checked out at the self-checkout stations. How do you check them out using the RFID pad?
  2. Why would a book have a yellow label on it that reads “This item must be checked out at a Public Service Desk. Staff will be happy to assist you.” ?  How do you check it out/in?  Does it need to go in the “Tagging Problems” basket?
  3. What do we NEVER tell patrons about the RFID system? Especially if we are having trouble getting an item to be read on the pad.
  4. If you hear/see the gate alarm go off, what should you immediately do? If the item is green, do you need to do anything?
  5. Send an email to Joanne with one question that you have about RFID. She will compile answers to all of your questions and share them with everyone!

Task #29 – RFID

RFID has now been in place for 6 weeks! You’ve all done so well adapting to the new equipment, processes and procedures.

I’m more than happy to say that this week is not about completing a new task, it is about thanking you!


… for diving in
… for your understanding
… for smiling… for trusting
… for being so enthusiastic
and for being the best library ambassadors to our patrons!

We still have some hills to climb but they are easier to ascend with all of us working together.



Task #28: Ransomware & Email Scams

You may have heard of ransomware, perhaps you’ve been a victim of it. As it is a growing security concern for both businesses and home users, please educate yourself on the dangers and warning signs.

  1. Read this article & watch the video http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/ransomware-cyber-scams-bogus-emails-1.3314221
  2. Comment on the Library 2.Now! blog about one of the following:
    1. Your experience with email scams.
    2. The steps you use to avoid them.
    3. Warning signs that would tip you off to a scam.
    4. Any other related topic.

Task #27: Searching Our Catalogue

There are many ways that you, our staff can search the Library’s catalogue. The results of these searches can be different depending on which application you are using. Try this task to see the impact your choice of application has on your search results.
1. Install/Update the BookMyne App on your iPad
2. Search for ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ in each of the following:
a. Enterprise
b. BookMyne
c. Workflows
d. Facebook’s Library Search App
3. Describe the difference in the results for each of the searches. What impact does this have on how you’d help a patron?
4. Email your answer to your manager.

Task #26 – NoveList

One of our popular online resources, NoveList is a database for readers! It includes complete lists of award winners and series, book discussion guides, wonderful read-alike articles, book reviews, children’s books and it includes both fiction and non-fiction titles.

  1. After searching for a title on our online catalogue, expand the NoveList window and take a screen shot of the page.
  2. Access NoveList from the Online Resources page of our website and take a screen shot of a search result.
  3. Explore NoveList and become familiar with:
    1. Author Read-alikes
    2. Another feature of your choice
  4. Email your manager the 2 screen shots and a description of the feature you explored on your own.