Week 3: Using OverDrive

Here is the activity for Week 3.  Aim to have it completed by August 5th.

  1. Follow the instructions we have on the Library’s website for Downloading eBooks to a Mobile Device. Hint: you may have already created an Adobe ID when you download eBooks to the Library’s Sony eReader.
  2. Download an eBook & an eAudiobook.  Don’t forget to use the Help (listed on the main menu of the app) if you get stuck.
  3. Do a screenshot of your OverDrive bookshelf showing your 2 items and email it to your manager.

Happy eReading (or eListening)!

Week 2: Downloading Apps

  1. Downloading apps is easy using the App Store.  Open the App Store and get oriented.  Use Google or YouTube to find information about setting up an account (with or without a credit card – your choice).
  2. Download BookMyne, OverDrive & Mango Languages – Hint: the links for all these can be found on the Library’s website.
  3. Take a screen shot of your iPad showing your 3 new apps and email it to your manager.
  4. Set your Library account up in BookMyne.
  5. Take a screen shot of the opening screen of BookMyne showing My Account (with your card number showing) ; My Bookshelf ; Suggested Reading

I’ve also attached a list of helpful resources that you can use for assistance when doing the weekly activities or when exploring your iPad on your own.


Happy discovering!

Week 1: Getting to know your iPad Mini

  1. If you haven’t already, set up your iPad Mini and connect to the wireless internet (either at the Library or home if you have wifi). This is the Apple site that may be able answer some of your questions throughout this first week: https://www.apple.com/ca/support/ipad/essentials/
  2. If you looking for a visual guide, go to www.youtube.com and search for “getting started with iPad mini”. Watch a few videos and play with the iPad.  Get familiar with the touch screen and navigating.
  3. Set up Mail by linking to an existing email account.
  4. Open the camera and take some photo.  Switch to video and record.
  5. Open the photo app and email one of your photos to your manager.

Where to go for help…

  1. Review the instructions.
  2. Click on the ‘Help’ link or ‘FAQs’.
  3. Google your question, someone else has likely run into this issue before. Check out articles, help forums, videos or images to answer your question.
  4. Check out the staff wiki/blog.
  5. Ask a friend, family member or co-worker.
  6. Finally, if you’re completely stuck, email your manager.

Welcome to Library 2.Now!

You’ve got information at your fingertips. This self-directed training should help you become more familiar with technology, resources and ideas that are in practice here at the Library. We hope you enjoy these activities.

The intent of this professional development activity is to ensure that all staff are comfortable with the machines and technology in our building.

Many of our patrons, like us, are feeling overwhelmed by the changing world and the technology that is becoming a larger part of our daily lives.

As a twenty-first century library, we need to ensure that all staff members can help our patrons. We want to ensure that you have the skills and knowledge to assist our public.

The weekly learning activities are designed to promote discovery and intrinsic learning. Please consult the help sections, F.A.Q.s, tutorials and videos. If you are still having troubles ask a co-worker or your manager.

One of the challenges of life today is that we must be lifelong learners willing to learn, unlearn and relearn as we work through our day. We want you to have the confidence to explore and take risks.

Most of all, we want to make sure that everyone has fun! Thank you for joining us on our newest learning adventure. We look forward to your input and ideas as we learn together.