Week 10: PC Reservation Stations

PC Reservation is powerful software. Not only does it alleviate staff from managing computer time for users, it also keeps tabs on users who have expired cards and it defines which users have access to various computers. For example, users under 16 can only log onto computer in the Youth Services area. Most of us are familiar with printing Guest Passes for the computers.  For this week’s activity, try some of these other features. Email your answers to your manager.

  1. Book a reservation for yourself for the next day on the public Reservation Station. Using your iPad take a picture of the confirmation screen and email it to your manager.
  2. Using the staff Reservation Station, view the details of the reservation. What is the estimate wait time of your reservation?
  3. View all reservations by PC. How might this feature be helpful for you as a staff member?
  4. Cancel your reservation.
  5. What are 3 other functions you can perform from within the staff Reservation Station?

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