Task #17 – Microform Reader/Scanner/Printer

In the responses to the survey we received multiple suggestions for this topic to be addressed in our Library 2.Now! activities.  As with many of the tasks we’ve done, you will find it helpful to take the time to run through this scenario every month or so.  It is easy to forget unless you use the equipment on a regular basis.

  1. Book a session on the microform computer.
  2. Review the instructions on the blue laminated sheet attached to the monitor. These instructions and more are also available in the IT Help folder on the Q drive.
  3. Load a reel from the year of your birth on the microform reader.
  4. Scan a page and print it. Write your name on your print and give it to your manager.
  5. Change the polarity and scan the page again. Email your scan to your manager.
  6. Unload the reel and end your computer session.

Task #16 – Putting Your Knowledge to Work

This week’s exercise is designed to put some of the skills you’ve learned into some real life scenarios.

  1. A patron approaches the desk and says they are having trouble getting on the wireless. What are 3 ways you could help them?
  2. A patron cannot log into the computers with their library card. You’ve checked their account and everything looks fine. What can you do to help them? Provide at least 3 options.
  3. Email your answers to your manager.