Task #19 – IT Help Folder


Information is at your fingertips and on the Q Drive.  Make it a habit to review the resources available to you so you remember them when you need them.

  1. Find the IT Help Folder.
  2. If the coin box is not functioning properly, what folder would you open? What document would help you?
  3. If a patron needs to view a microfiche and you can’t recall how to load one, what document would you read to help you?
  4. Continue exploring in this folder. Describe something new that you’ve learned.
  5. Please email all your answers to your manager.

Task #18 – Staff Xerox Printer/Copier/Scanner

Time to get to know the staff Xerox machine.  This activity will focus on the printing function.

  1. Print a page from a staff computer with your name in colour.
  2. Review the instructions at the Xerox machine for changing paper.
  3. Load coloured paper into the Xerox and change the settings on the machine to reflect this change. Take a photo with your iPad of the setting change on the screen.
  4. Print a page from a staff computer with your name on the coloured piece of paper.
  5. Give your 2 print outs to your manager & email them the photo.