Task #29 – RFID

RFID has now been in place for 6 weeks! You’ve all done so well adapting to the new equipment, processes and procedures.

I’m more than happy to say that this week is not about completing a new task, it is about thanking you!


… for diving in
… for your understanding
… for smiling… for trusting
… for being so enthusiastic
and for being the best library ambassadors to our patrons!

We still have some hills to climb but they are easier to ascend with all of us working together.



3 thoughts on “Task #29 – RFID

  1. Anonymous says:

    You fooled us with this wk 29, nice surprise! Thank you all who made this happen, getting smoother all the time thanks for your patience. Helen


    • “…I was mainly talking about indie devs. How we judge and treat each other. (Which does not mean being nice to bigots and bullies.)”That sounds like you’re talking about how Indie Devs treat each other. Not how people treat each other or judge and value works. It sounded more like you were giving him an excuse.


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