Task # 30 – RFID… Again!

Continuing with the momentum after the Staff Olympics, we’re trying to keep some of the scenarios fresh in your minds.  There have been lots of emails sent out about these different situations and if you can’t find them please look in Q:\IT Help\Bibliotheca RFID for tips and tricks and training videos.  Email the answers to your manager, along with a selfie checking an item out at a self-checkout station (smile!).

  1. Toy kits cannot be checked out at the self-checkout stations. How do you check them out using the RFID pad?
  2. Why would a book have a yellow label on it that reads “This item must be checked out at a Public Service Desk. Staff will be happy to assist you.” ?  How do you check it out/in?  Does it need to go in the “Tagging Problems” basket?
  3. What do we NEVER tell patrons about the RFID system? Especially if we are having trouble getting an item to be read on the pad.
  4. If you hear/see the gate alarm go off, what should you immediately do? If the item is green, do you need to do anything?
  5. Send an email to Joanne with one question that you have about RFID. She will compile answers to all of your questions and share them with everyone!

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