Task #34- Windows 10 is here!

By next week both Info computers in YS and Public Services will be running Windows 10 and the public computers will quickly follow. That means that we’ll all need to know how to use this operating system.

Watch this tutorial on Windows 10. It is 37 minutes long but really covers the changes in this operating system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZqKyhfD7-E.

  • Identify 4 things that you’ve learned about Windows 10 or that have changed from Windows 7.

Microsoft Office 2016 will also be on the new computers. Here is a link to the Office Training Centre https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Office-Training-Center-b8f02f81-ec85-4493-a39b-4c48e6bc4bfb, it looks quite similar to our current version of Office so you may be able to figure it out without the tutorials. This is optional but helpful if you’re stuck.

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